'Try this super fun HIIT - (high intensity interval training) exercise with paper towel tubes! PLUS, it helps encourage rhythm, coordination, and connects both hemispheres of the brain. Did you know that drumming increases ALPHA brain waves which makes us feel good and happy inside, it also lower stress hormones, and science has shown it boost your immune system too! Subscribe: https://bit.ly/GOwithYOYO for more crazy fun exercises and yoga! LIVE VIRTUAL CLASSES with YOYO https://www.gowithyoyo.com
Tags: Dance , hiit workout , hiit , exercise at home , workout for kids , exercise for kids , fit kids , fitness for kids , yoga for kids , kid fitness , Kid Workout , kid fit , dance for kids , kid exercise , woprkout at home , kid dances
See also: soccer , fashion show , ch , corona , 健身 , meal prep , podcast , tanzen hip hop , Zac Aynsley , family